Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1.        How do I report an absence?


If your child is going to be absent, please call the office (847/766-6666) and state the following information:  Name of child, Day of Absence, Child’s room number and grade and Reason for absence.


2.        How do I get my school work if I am absent?


Each child is assigned a school work buddy who will be in their classroom.  When a student is absent his/her school work buddy will get his/her assignments and pass them on to the absent student. All homework assignments are listed under the homework tab.


3.        How will we find out about emergency school closings?


We have an automated telephone system which will call the entire school population with a recorded message advising of the school closing.  If there is no answer, a message will be left on an answering machine.  If there is no answering machine, the message will re-dial three times at 15 minute intervals.


4.       How will I be kept apprised of my child’s progress?


We have a computer program which all our teachers use to record grades for their individual students.  Each parent will receive their own password which will enable them to access their child’s grades.


5.        Do you have any tutoring available for academically struggling students?


We have before and after school tutoring.  This tutoring is offered in our library and staffed by three teachers daily.  No appointment is necessary.